Sunday 23 November 2014

The secret still remains.

By Syahira Azurin

What are the meaning of SECRET? or in the Malay language we called it ‘rahsia’. Secret is define as not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others. But this is not something that should be kept secret if it is something that needs to be shared, especially for those who look for abnormalities in Terengganu. In this entry I am going to tell you a secret about the place I go for dinner during the academic visits in Terengganu.

Two weeks ago, on Friday night, the whole class of Degree in Culinary UiTM Penang are in Terengganu because we are held academic visits there. We depart in the morning from Penang and arrived in Terengganu at night. We need something to eat for a dinner after a long journey to Terengganu. As expected, when the bus stopped at one of the stalls that located in the edge of the road and the stall was named as Kitchen Rahsia owned by Mr.Hadi Abdullah.

Kitchen Rahsia is full seated with the presence of myself, my fellow friends and my lecturer at that night because the stalls can accommodate only 60 people at a time and the total of us are 50 people. Located in suburban at Batu Burok, Kuala Terengganu, Kitchen Rahsia is just a common food stalls when the first time I saw through my naked eye. No difference with other stall nearby. But, I am not that too early to feel disappointed because I have to explore what are so special about this open dining stall. As for me, the ambiance of Kitchen Rahsia is not very eye candy because of the ordinary decoration but one thing that impressed me when I looked at the knife set that was displayed with variety of color adjacent with their display kitchen. However, Kitchen Rahsia provide ample parking for their customer to park the vehicles, toilet, and rooms for Muslims to perform a prayer. What I can said that they are user friendly. The business hours of Kitchen Rahsia starting from 5.30pm to 12.00am and an hour break from 7.00pm to 8.00pm on Monday till Wednesday and Friday till Sunday. While in the morning from 9.00am till 5.00m, they will do all the food preparation activities. On Thursday , they took a day off and the stall is closed.

After looked around, I get to my table and started to think how glorious the food would be if the outside view itself looked like there is no specialty. While waiting for them to set up the buffet for us, suddenly, there was a good smell that increased my appetite came from their kitchen. One of the chef in Kitchen Rahsia, with complete chef attire hold a big pot and placed it in the buffet table. Without a long wait, I went straight to the buffet table and surprisingly all the dishes looked so tempting! The way they presented the food and the smell of the food itself. But what makes me can’t wait any longer when I saw my favorite dish in the buffet table, Chicken Roulade! Just looked at the way they presented the dish already make me mouthwatering.

For the first bite, I decided to go with sliced Chicken Roulade stuffed with cheddar cheese, sliced turkey ham, button mushroom, accompanied with chef selected veges which is broccoli and carrot, and serve with black pepper sauce. Traditionally, roulade is a preparation for skinless and boneless rolled chicken breasts stuffed with cheese, vegetables, and other meat that mask the original flavor of the chicken itself. The way to have a juicy chicken breast is to cook the chicken just enough and when it is cooked with the right temperature and time, the texture of the chicken can be in a really good condition. The first bite I took for Chicken Roulade coated with golden crusted bread crumbs serve with black pepper sauce, WORDLESS! The dish was executed perfectly. The tenderness of the chicken that fully stuffed with cheese, ham and mushroom with perfect seasoning like salt and black pepper. The crunchiness of bread crumbs melt in my mouth really suit with my taste as a chicken lover. Eat together with a creamy black pepper sauce, enough to be a perfect match for chicken because of the strong taste of black pepper and enough seasoning with salt.
I've eat Chicken Roulade in other eateries, but Kitchen Rahsia’s Chicken Roulade is the best I have ever eat for now. The veges also is well blanched by the chef and they let the broccoli and carrot maintain its crunchiness and individuality without camouflaging it with other ingredients. 

Chef Hadi Abdullah says the Kitchen Rahsia is slightly different from other restaurant and stalls.
“All the preparation we did from scratch such as stock, except for seasoning and we use fresh ingredient where the raw ingredient is daily bought”

For those who like to eat Chicken Roulade, I can recommend to you that Kitchen Rahsia in Terengganu is the right place where you can satisfied your stomach. With the price about RM15.00 for a-la carte without any extra charges, I know lots of people would be willing to pay for a delectable dish like Chicken Roulade in Kitchen Rahsia because it was well worth it.

Kitchen Rahsia began the oprations in May 2011. The stalls serves western and eastern dishes that are not available elsewhere in Batu Burok, Terengganu. All the glitters is not gold, even though the appearance of Kitchen Rahsia looked like a common stall not as good like other five stars restaurant, but there are secrets hidden behind Kitchen Rahsia stall and no doubt Kitchen Rahsia is the best stalls that served Chicken Roulade.

Kitchen Rahsia dining area

 Kitchen Rahsia's Sliced Chicken Roulade stuffed with cheddar cheese, sliced turkey ham, button mushroom, accompanied with chef selected veges which is broccoli and carrot, and serve with black pepper sauce.

Staff in Kitchen Rahsia

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